3D printing products made in Germany

Discover our Christmas tree ball sets

  • The idea

    Why standard, when it is also possible to be unusual? We wanted more than just the standard Christmas tree ball on our Christmas tree. That was just the start: then followed Easter eggs, kitchen holders and movable figures.

  • The production

    All of our products are 100% made in
    Manufactured using 3D printing processes.

    We use various printing processes such as:
    FDM and SLA.

  • The employees

    This is us two:

    Valentine, the engineer.

    Tobias, the creative mind.

    Together we do everything we can to offer you unique products.

  • The future

    Should you stop when things are at their best?

    Not with us!

    We always keep our eyes open to design new products and expand existing product lines.

  • Quality

    We only use high-quality base materials for our products.
    The processing takes place at the highest level.

    Manufacturing and finishing are carried out in Germany.

    The “seal of quality” Made in Germany is our program.

  • uniqueness

    We designed our products to create something special that will amaze and amaze you.

    We have combined our creativity in design and practical use.

  • creativity

    Our production waste is recycled and does not end up in the environment.

    We put 50% of this into the direct recycling cycle.

    All of our shipping packaging is made of paper and cardboard.
    Even the tape.

    Our production focuses on efficiency and ecological aspects.


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Here you will find products that have minor to major printing errors....